Egg roll, recipe, Calories, how to make, wraps, ingredients

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Served worldwide and especially in American-Chinese restaurants, Egg Rolls have made a special place in the Indian food market and is particularly popular amongst the youngsters and the working class.

One of the delectable and wholesome fast food or snacks item available to devour are the rolls, and out of all the different types of rolls, wraps, and frankies, Egg Roll is the most flavorsome and unique. An American-Chinese cuisine, Egg Rolls are served hot with a heartwarming egg filling blended with different sauces, pickled onions and spices and wrapped in a flaky yet soft paratha skin that cages all the contents inside it so that you are ready to eat on the go. What makes these deep golden-yellow, flaky yet soft rolls a favorite snack among the foodies is their delectable taste, appealing texture, and the comfort food status which is a contributing factor to their popularity.
